10.4Mb 23 Minutes.
When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez offered oil at half price to the victims of Hurrican Katrina in New Orleans eyebrows were raised. When a municipal Council in Massachusetts accepted the offer to provide cheap

heating oil to pensioners and underprivileged (whose subsidies had been cut) to help them through the winter, the Bush administration went ballistic. A Republican congressman has called for an investigation of CitCo - the US company which is distributing the cheap oil - while other companies, like Exxon make record profits, indulge in price fixing and anti-trust practices, and fail the 'social responsibility' obligations the big oil companies are expected to voluntarily accept. So why does CitCo come under the microscope? Lara Pullin of the Australian Venezuela Solidarity Network has a few suggestions, which seem to be in accordance with sympathetic congressman Serrano, and President Hugo Chavez himself in rare interviews with the community radio network "Democracy Now". Musical background provided by the late Ali Primera, poet songster, with his song "Dear Mr. Sam" and "The Petrol War".
NIMFM 102.3Mhz Nimbin Community Radio.